

In a recent interview, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. stated that his uncle (John F. Kennedy) and his father (Robert F. Kennedy) would not be welcome in today’s Democrat Party because it has moved so far to the Left. In this article, I also want to suggest that neither George Washington nor Abraham Lincoln would be welcome in today’s Democrat Party because in their lurch to the Left there has emerged a hostility toward the Bible and Bible-believing Christians.

This hostility was on full display when the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, described himself as a “Bible-believing Christian.” Democrats came unhinged with MSNBC host, Jen Psaki, calling Johnson a "religious fundamentalist" and mocking his faith. The Daily Beast compared Johnson to the "Taliban and the mullahs in Iran." Hakeem Jeffries, the Minority leader in the House, ripped into Johnson, calling him an “extreme, right-wing idealogue.” Others referred to him as "dangerous" and a "threat to democracy."

Not a single Democrat leader, including Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, have distanced themselves from these atrocious remarks by their colleagues. I must, therefore, assume that this is how they feel about the millions of “Bible-believing Christians” in America, including myself.

We probably should not be surprised for in 2019 the Democrat National Committee (DNC) unanimously passed a resolution embracing the “religiously unaffiliated,” which is a euphemism for those committed to secularism and atheism. The resolution also declared that neither Christianity nor any religion is necessary for morality and patriotism.

The resolution was backed by secularist groups like the Secular Coalition for America and the Freedom from Religion Foundation. These groups erroneously insist that America was founded as a secular nation and they regularly threaten lawsuits against the public display of crosses, Ten Commandment displays, and all other religious symbols. They also oppose prayer and Bible reading in the public schools, veteran cemeteries, and all public venues.

This hostile attitude was expressed by Democrat Congressman, Jerry Nadler, toward a Republican colleague who read from the Bible during a debate on the House floor. Nadler (D-NY), who was serving as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee at the time, sternly rebuked Greg Steube (R-FL), saying, “Mr. Steube, what any religious tradition describes as God's will is no concern of this Congress."

This antagonistic attitude toward the Bible and “Bible-believing Christians” is not only biased, it is un-American. For example, a ten-year study to determine where America’s founders got their ideas for the nation's founding principles and documents, found that they quoted the Bible far more than any other source (Hyatt, 1726: The Year that Defined America, 167-68).

When, therefore, George Washington insisted on taking the first presidential oath of office with his hand on a Bible, it was an expression of his deep respect for the Bible as a guide for national policy and morality. In a December 1982 article in Newsweek entitled “How the Bible Made America,” the authors wrote,

For centuries [the Bible] has exerted an unrivaled influence on American culture, politics and social life. Now historians are discovering that the Bible, perhaps even more than the Constitution, is our founding document: the source of the powerful myth of the United States as a special, sacred nation, a people called by God to establish a model of society, a beacon to the world (Hyatt, 1726: The Year that Defined America, 7).

The so-called “big tent” of the modern Democrat Party obviously has no room for someone like me. I am, however, okay with that since they obviously would have no room for George Washington or for Abraham Lincoln, who in an 1864 speech, said of the Bible,

It is the best gift God has given to man. All the good the Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong. All things most desirable for man's welfare, here and hereafter, are to be found portrayed in it.

I am proud to join George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and many others outside the modern Democrat Party's so-called "big tent." How about you? Will you join us?

Dr. Eddie L. Hyatt has a commission to reclaim America's godly heritage that is being destroyed by modern secularists. This article was derived in part from  book, 1726: The Year that Defined America, available from Amazon and his website at www.eddiehyatt.com

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