During their journey across the Atlantic, Winthrop formulated
a sermon entitled “A Model of Christian Charity.” In it he exhorted
his fellow pilgrims that “the eyes of the world are upon us” and that God would
have them, in their new home, to be that “city on a hill” of which Jesus spoke,
a shining light exhibiting a model of Christian living for the rest of mankind
to see.
He also spoke of the seriousness of the covenant
with God into which they had entered. He exhorted,
We have entered into an
explicit Covenant with God. We have drawn up indentures with the Almighty,
wherefore if we succeed and do not let ourselves be diverted into making money,
He will reward us. Whereas if we fail, if we fall to embrace this present world
and prosecute our carnal intentions, the Lord will surely break out in wrath
and make us know the price of the breach of such a Covenant.
Mayflower Compact Was a Covenant
years before Winthrop and his company arrived, the Pilgrims had landed at Cape
Cod. Before disembarking, they drew up a written document patterned after the
church covenants that were common among Separatist churches in England. Being
part of a Separatist congregation, they were very aware of such documents,
which knit the signees together in a solemn, contractual agreement with God and
one another.
signee promised “solemnly and mutually in the presence of God” to “covenant
together” for the better ordering and preservation of their community. This
covenant also stated that their purpose in coming to the New World was to
glorify God and advance the Christian faith. The late
Harvard professor, Perry Miller, said, “The Separatists aboard the Mayflower
found a covenant the obvious answer to the first problem of political
have called the Mayflower Compact America’s founding document. That is going
too far, but there is no question that it set the stage for succeeding
communities and colonies that would base their existence on written documents—covenants--that
gave recognition to God and prioritized the Gospel of Jesus Christ as their
reason for being.
New England Covenants with God
This idea of a social compact (covenant) with God was
expressed, not only in the founding of Plymouth, Boston, and Massachusetts, but
also in the 1639 founding document of Connecticut entitled
“The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.” This document states,
the inhabitants and residents of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, knowing
where a people are gathered together the word of God requires that to maintain
the peace and union of such a people there ought to be an orderly and decent
government established according to God . . . we do for ourselves and our
successors enter into combination and confederation together, to maintain and
preserve the liberty and purity of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, which
we now profess. (Hyatt, Pilgrims and Patriots, 48-49).
thousands of new immigrants arriving in New England and new towns springing up,
there arose a felt need for some sort of centralized government to facilitate
mutual defense and to arbitrate land disputes. To meet this need, the United
Colonies of New England was formed and a constitution was formulated, patterned
on the idea of covenant. Dated May 19, 1643, the opening statement of the
constitution expressly states why they had all come to the New World. It reads,
Whereas we all came into these parts of America with one
and the same end and aim, namely to advance the kingdom of our Lord Jesus
Christ and enjoy the Liberties of the Gospel in purity and peace (Hyatt, Pilgrims and Patriots, 52-53).
constitution provided that each colony would choose two representatives who
would form a council of eight. This council of eight was invested with power to
arbitrate boundary disputes, coordinate mutual defense, and facilitate mutual
advice and support. It was clearly stated that this council was also brought
into existence for “preserving and propagating the truth and liberties of the
Gospel (Hyatt, Pilgrims and Patriots,
is no question that this constitutional system wherein each individual colony
retained its autonomy, and the powers of government were limited by the
constitution, was a forerunner of the federalist system that would be created
at Philadelphia in 1776 and 1787. The United Colonies of New England clearly
foreshadowed the United States of America in both its form of government and in
its Christian character.
Puritans clearly saw these written statements as covenants, not only between
themselves, but also between their society and God. They believed that God
dealt, not only with individuals, but also with social units, including
families, churches and nations. According to Perry Miller, “The central conception in their
thought is the elaborated doctrine of covenant.”
The Blessing
& Responsibility of Covenant
early immigrants saw Israel in the OT as a pattern for their social covenant
with God. Like Israel, they believed that if they, as a people, kept their part
of the covenant, which was to walk uprightly and make His name known, they
would be blessed. If, on the other hand, they lost their sense of purpose and
began to live selfish and sinful lives, they would suffer God’s wrath because
of their rejection of the covenant. During the voyage to New England, Winthrop
Now if the Lord shall please to bear us, and bring us in
peace to the place we desire, then hath He verified this Covenant and sealed
our commission . . . but if we fail to perform the terms of the Covenant, we
shall perish out the land we are crossing the sea to possess.
social responsibility to God is the reason the Puritans tended to hold one
another accountable. They pointed out that since communities and nations cannot
be rewarded in the next world, they must necessarily be rewarded in this one,
according to their deeds. The sin of one or a few could, therefore, bring down
God’s judgment on the entire community. This is also the reason that laws were
passed outlawing adultery, fornication, profanity, drunkenness and Sabbath breaking.

act was in line with the official Virginia Charter, which recognized “the
Providence of Almighty God” and expressed the desire that the establishment of
the colony would “tend to the glory of His Divine Majesty.” This document also
expressly stated that the purpose of the colony was to propagate the “Christian
religion to such people as yet live in darkness and miserable ignorance of the
true knowledge and worship of God.”
There are amazing similarities between the Virginia
Charter, the Mayflower Compact and other founding documents of New England.
This led Perry Miller to suggest that Virginia and New England were not that
different. He pointed out that both communities were children of the
Reformation, “and what we consider distinctively Puritan was really the spirit
of the times.”
is thus no question that these early social compacts, or covenants, were
precursors to the founding documents of the United States of America. Gary Amos
and Richard Gardiner are correct to say, “The early New England constitutions
were covenants. These covenants clearly foreshadowed the United States
Constitution” (Hyatt. Pilgrims and Patriots, 49).
and America’s Founding Documents
The Declaration of Independence begins with
an acknowledgement that human rights come from God. It ends with the signees
expressing a reliance on Divine Providence, a common expression of that era for
the God of the Bible and was commonly used by revivalist ministers, such as
George Whitefield, in their sermons and writings.
is obvious that the Founders saw the Constitution as a sacred document, and
they treated it as a covenant. That is why George Washington took the oath of office
with his hand on a Bible, and with his hand on the Bible, solemnly swore to uphold
and defend the Constitution, “so help me God.”
many of those who were part of the Constitutional Convention, saw the hand of
God in the formulation of the Constitution. James Madison, the Constitution’s
chief architect, declared,
It is impossible for the
man of pious reflection not to perceive in it a finger of that Almighty hand
which has been so frequently and signally extended to our relief in critical
stages of the Revolution (Hyatt,
5 Pillars of the American Republic, 10).
Benjamin Rush, a signer of both the
Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, was even more blunt, declaring
that the Constitution was a work from heaven. A physician from Philadelphia, he
asserted that he,
As much believed the hand
of God was employed in this work as that God had divided the Red Sea to give a
passage to the children of Israel, or had fulminated the Ten Commandments from
Mount Sinai” (Hyatt, 5 Pillarsof the American Republic, 11).
sacred view of the Constitution was obviously inherited from those earliest
immigrants who considered their covenants to be sacred oaths between their
communities and God. This covenantal attitude became a part of the psyche of
colonial America and was clearly present in the attitude of the Founders toward
America’s founding documents. Historian, Benjamin Hart, says,
The U.S. Constitution has worked because there has been a sacred aura
surrounding the document; it has been something more than a legal contract; it
was a covenant, an oath before God, very much related to the covenant the
Pilgrims signed. Indeed, when the President takes his oath of office he places
his hand on a Bible and swears before Almighty God to uphold the Constitution
of the United States. He makes a sacred promise; and the same holds true for
Supreme Court justices who take an oath to follow the letter of the written
Constitution. The moment America’s leaders begin treating the Constitution as
though it were a mere sheet of paper is the moment the American Republic—or
American Covenant—ends (Hyatt, Pilgrims and Patriots, 50).
Abraham Lincoln Understood America’s
Covenant with God
Abraham Lincoln understood that
America had a covenant with God. That is why, in the midst of the devastation
of the Civil War, he proclaimed a national, day of prayer and repentance for
April 30, 1863. In this proclamation, he acknowledged God’s blessing on the
nation and explained the present calamity, saying,
we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious Hand which preserved us
in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly
imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were
produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with
unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of
redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us
(Hyatt, The Great Prayer Awakening of 1857-58, 37).
The populace, especially in the
North, responded en masse to
Lincoln’s call to prayer. On the appointed day, businesses and schools closed and
people gathered in churches and homes throughout land to pray and repent for
personal and national sins.
And whereas the South had been
winning battle after battle and it looked as though the American union could
well be dissolved, there was an almost immediate turn of the war in favor of
the North after this day of prayer. God intervened and America was sustained
after she renewed her covenant with God.
Where Are
We Today?
America is at a critical juncture in
her history. Powerful forces reject the notion of God having any role in the
nation’s founding and they consider the Constitution to be a useless, outdated
document—a mere sheet of paper, as Hart warned.
Taking the oath of office is now seen
as a meaningless formality that may be carried out with the Koran as well as
the Bible or any religious book, or with none at all. America’s future has not
been this uncertain since the Civil War.
The election of Donald Trump was an
act of Divine Providence that opened a narrow window of opportunity for the
church in America. Despite his faults, he defends religious liberty and is a
friend to Bible-believing Christians. Will we make the most of this opportunity
and maximize the moment?
The decision is ours. The future is
in our hands. What will we do? Will we renew the American covenant? It begins
with God’s people taking seriously their role in the health of a nation as
expressed in II Chronicles 7:14.
If My people who are called by My Name
Will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face,
And turn from their
wicked ways,
Then I will hear from heaven,
And will forgive their sin and heal their land.
This article is derived from books by Dr. Eddie Hyatt, including Pilgrims and Patriots and 5 Pillars of the American Republic, available from Amazon and his website at www.eddiehyatt.com. Dr. Hyatt has a passion to see America reconnect with her Christian roots and experience another great, national spiritual awakening. He can be contacted at dreddiehyatt@gmail.com.