

One of Joe Biden’s first presidential acts was to cancel the “1776 Commission.” This Commission was formed to promote the teaching of America’s history in American schools from a positive perspective, highlighting her achievements and noble ideals, while acknowledging her sins and mistakes.

In its place, the Biden administration is implementing the secularist “1619 Project,” which claims that America was forever defined by slavery and is, therefore, fatally flawed, racist, and corrupt at her core. This is the thinking behind the attacks on America's founders - toppling their monuments and removing their names from public buildings.

This rewriting of history is, of course, an important part of the strategy to transform America into a Marxist/socialist state, for as Alexander Solzhentisyn said, “To destroy a people you must first sever their roots.”

My book, 1726: The Year that Defined America, undermines the "1726 Project" narrative by documenting how a Christian awakening, beginning in 1726, unleashed the moral and spiritual forces that eventually brought about the end of slavery on this continent, and defined America as a land of faith and freedom. As Paul said in Romans 5:20b, But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more.
If you do not have a copy of 1726: The Year that Defined America, I hope you will obtain a copy for yourself and a copy for your pastor, mayor, school principal, and congressional representative. This is a critical moment for our Republic, for as historian, Carl Sandburg, said, "When a nation goes down or a society perishes, one condition may always be found; they forgot where they came from; they lost sight of what had brought them along."

Also, check out the "1726 Project" and prayerfully consider bringing it to your church or community. It is an inspiring reminder of where we have come from as a nation and what brought us along to this point in history.

Dr. Eddie Hyatt is an author and ordained minister with a passion to see another Great Awakening that will transform the church, bring many to Christ, and impact American culture as past Awakenings have done. Check out his vision and the numerous books he has authored at his website, www.eddiehyatt.com.



This article is derived from the new book by Eddie Hyatt entitled Prophets and Prophecy

A false prophet has no integrity and functions out of self-serving motives, using a supposed prophetic gift for personal gain. A mistaken prophet, on the other hand, has integrity and wants to serve God but mistakes his/her own imaginations and feelings for the Spirit of God. The former needs to be rebuked while the latter needs to be pastored.

I Encounter a False Prophet

As a young believer in 1972, I passed a small church that I had visited in the past and noticed a large banner stretched across the church yard advertising special revival services. The banner included the name of an evangelist and a caption in large, bold lettering, “God’s 20th Century Prophet.” Although the boastful, self-promotion in those words should have been a warning sign to me, I was young and naïve and could hardly wait to go and hear what “God’s 20th Century Prophet” had to say.

I attended the service that night and noted that this individual spent most of his time prophesying to people. He would walk down the aisle and pick people out of the congregation and prophesy to them. His prophecies were not practical but filled with images and symbolisms. Most people there seemed to be in awe of what they were hearing.

He called me out and prophesied to me. The prophecy was filled with various symbolisms that had no obvious meaning to me. He spoke of me having dragged about a ball and chain and other symbolisms that I do not recall. What I do recall is that I could not relate what he said to anything that was happening in my life at the time, and there was no ministry of life to my spirit.

The meeting with “God’s 20th Century Prophet” came to a sudden end when the pastor discovered that, in private, he had prophesied to members of the congregation to give him money and land. If God did use him in a prophetic gift (and that is open to question), he had prostituted it for monetary gain.

He fit the category of those whom Jude lamented; Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit. He was a false prophet and the pastor was right to confront him and close the meeting.

I Encounter a Mistaken Prophet

Fast forward about 20 years. My phone rang and the voice on the other end of the line, in a very emphatic tone, said, “I was lying by the pool meditating and God spoke to me and said, ‘call Eddie Hyatt and tell him to start a church and call it The Gateway to Heaven.’”

This person also told me that he had seen a vision of the church building and described it in some detail as a white building situated in a large field.

Some things are as obvious as the nose on your face and this prophecy was one of those. I knew it was not from God. However, I also knew that I should deal gently with this person who attended a weekly meeting Sue and I led. Knowing he was a new believer, and not wanting to squelch his spirit, I said,

“Larry, I appreciate you telling me this but just know that I would never undertake something of this magnitude unless God Himself told me that He wanted me to do it.”

Some weeks later this brother, who was sincere (but misguided) in his zeal to be used of God in the gift of prophecy, was still attending our weekly Bible study. In these gatherings we allowed, and encouraged, people to flow freely in the gifts of the Spirit, but also made it clear that we would follow the Biblical injunction to test the spirits and judge prophecies.

On this particular evening, this brother announced that during a time of prayer that week God told him to tell me that I was not to put down roots in that city because I would be travelling. Deciding to use this as a teaching moment, I stopped him. “Wait a minute Larry,” I said! “What happened to that white church you saw a few weeks ago?”

He replied, “Oh, that might be 10 years down the road.” I then asked, “Do you know what they did to people in the Old Testament who gave false prophecies?” With a note of irritation in his voice, he replied, “I know! I know! They stoned them!”

At this point everyone, including Larry, began to laugh. It was a healing moment. Larry suddenly realized that he needed to relax and stop trying to curry favor and impress others with his super spirituality. He realized that I would continue to accept him and be his friend, but I would not accept everything he said just because he prefaced it with a “thus saith the Lord” or a “God told me.”

Larry’s soulish prophecy about me starting a church in Tulsa and calling it “The Gateway to Heaven” was born out of his own personal struggles and desires at the time. He and his wife had been unable to find a church where they felt comfortable and accepted. He enjoyed our weekly meetings and secretly wished that Sue and I would start a new church.

His personal desires and feelings were interpreted as being from the Spirit of God and he gave it forth as a prophecy. At the time, I had clear direction from the Lord and knew it was not from Him. I also knew that I needed to pastor Larry and coach him along in his prophetic zeal.

By the way, Larry was right on at times. One night a vibrant young woman came into our midst that no one knew. Larry felt led to pray for her. She consented and I encouraged him to take the lead. As he prayed, God gave him a word of knowledge that she was deeply depressed and contemplating suicide. She began sobbing and confessed it was so. The Spirit of God then ministered powerfully to her.

Larry continued to grow in God and our friendship continued for many years until the time of his death a few years ago.

Why Integrity is Essential

I believe that most of the individuals who prophesied that Donald Trump would win the 2020 presidential election were mistaken prophets, not false prophets. However, if mistaken prophets refuse to own their mistakes and admit their human frailty, the pride can open them to deception and they may move from being a mistaken prophet to being a false prophet.

This article is derived from Dr. Eddie Hyatt's latest book, Prophets and Prophecy, available from Amazon and his website at www.eddiehyatt.com.



George Washington (1732–1799) had his own human sins and frailties, but during his 67 years as a surveyor, soldier, and first president of the United States, he showed himself to be a person of integrity and a true Christian.

Washington was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia, to Augustine Washington and his wife, Mary Ball Washington. When George was 11 years old, his father died, creating a situation in which he had to develop a sense of responsibility at a very young age.

His Mother’s Influence

Washington’s mother was a devout Christian who sought to raise him to be a truly committed believer in Christ. When he was leaving home as a young soldier, she told him: “Remember that God is our only sure trust.” She reminded him: “My son, neglect not the duty of secret prayer.”

Washington’s mother was, no doubt, influenced by the Great Awakening, for it had a profound impact on the state of Virginia. This was confirmed by Charles Hodge, who in a pamphlet written in 1839 and entitled, “The Constitutional History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America,” says,

In no part of our country was the revival more interesting, and in very few was it so pure as in Virginia (Hyatt, 1726: The Year thatDefined America, 131).

Both her faith and the faith of her son were characteristic of those impacted by the Great Awakening. This was made startlingly clear in a prayer journal kept by Washington when he was in his twenties.

Washington’s Prayer Journal

In April of 1891, several of Washington’s descendants, including Lawrence Washington, Bushrod Washington, and Thomas B. Washington, sold a collection of his personal items at auction in Philadelphia.

Among the items was a little book filled with daily prayers in Washington’s handwriting when he was in his twenties. Entitled, Daily Sacrifice, these prayers are deeply devotional and evangelical in nature (Hyatt, 1726: TheYear that Defined America, 131-32). For example, the first entry reads, in part,

Let my heart, therefore, gracious God, be so affected with the glory and majesty of Thine honor that I may not do my own works, but wait on Thee, and discharge those duties which Thou requirest of me.

The following Monday morning, his prayer reads,

Direct my thoughts, words and work, wash away my sins in the immaculate blood of the Lamb, and purge my heart by Thy Holy Spirit . . . daily frame me more and more in the likeness of Thy Son Jesus Christ.

Also, of note is his prayer:

Bless, O Lord, the whole race of mankind, and let the world be filled with the knowledge of Thee and Thy Son, Jesus Christ.

Commenting on this prayer book, Professor S. F. Upham, of Drew Theological Seminary, wrote,

The “Daily Prayers” of George Washington abound in earnest thought, expressed in simple, beautiful, fervent and evangelical language. They reveal to us the real life of the great patriot, and attest his piety. None can read these petitions, which bore his desires to God, and often brought answers of peace, without having a grander conception of Washington’s character. The prayers are characterized by a deep consciousness of sin and by a need for forgiveness, and by a recognition of dependence upon the merits and mercies of our Lord (Hyatt, 1726:The Year that Defined America, 132-33).

Washington Establishes a Praying Army

In May of 1775, Washington answered the call of the Continental Army to be commander in chief of the American forces. He realized that unless he could instill in the soldiers a sense that what they did, they did for God and under His protection, they had no hope of withstanding the mighty British war machine.

He, therefore, issued an order stating that each day was to begin with prayer led by the officers of each unit. He also ordered that, unless their duties required them to be elsewhere, every soldier was to observe “a punctual attendance of Divine services, to implore the blessing of heaven upon the means used for our safety and public defense.”

He also forbade profanity, swearing, gambling and drunkenness and expressed his desire that, “Every officer and man will endeavor so as to live and act as becomes a Christian soldier.”

During a difficult period of the war when Washington and his army were quartering at Valley Forge, Rev. Henry Muhlenberg (1711–1787), pastor of a nearby Lutheran Church, observed Washington’s activities. He wrote, “Washington rode around among his army yesterday and admonished each one to fear God.” Muhlenberg went on to say,

This gentleman does not belong to the so-called world of society, for he respects God’s word, believes in atonement through Christ, and bears himself in humility and gentleness. It appears that the Lord God has singularly, yea marvelously, preserved him from harm in the midst of countless perils . . . and hath hitherto graciously held him in His hand as His chosen vessel (Hyatt, 1726:The Year that Defined America, 115).

Washington accepted free blacks into the American army resulting in one out of every six soldiers being of African descent. Blacks and whites fought side by side for independence from Great Britain.

Not Shy About Publicly Expressing His Faith

Washington insisted on taking the oath of office with his hand placed on a Bible and, thereby, began a tradition that has been followed since by every American president. He then delivered his first inaugural address, which was filled with references to God and the Bible, including the following remark,

The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the external rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained (Hyatt, Pilgrims and Patriots, 174).

Washington’s deep faith was also apparent in his Thanksgiving Day Proclamation issued on October 3, 1789, shortly after he became president. He obviously saw that the two-fold attitude of faith and thanksgiving toward God would be the tie that would bind the new nation together. After declaring it being the duty of all nations to “acknowledge the providence of Almighty God and obey His will,” he gave a reason for this special day of Thanksgiving, saying,

That we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the Great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national sins and other transgressions, to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually, to render our national government a blessing to all people, by constantly being a government of wise, just and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed (Hyatt, 1726: The Year that Defined America, 134).

Washington believed in tolerance for all faiths and religions but was not shy about sharing his faith in Jesus Christ with those of other religions. For example, in a meeting with Chiefs of the Delaware Indian Tribe, he encouraged them to learn “above all the religion of Jesus Christ.”

The Chiefs had come to meet with Congress, and they brought with them three of their youth, asking that they be educated in American schools. Washington addressed them as “Brothers” and referred to their mutual desire to “preserve the friendship between the Two Nations to the end of time.”

He also expressed his hope that the Delaware would “become One people with your Brethren of the United States.” He assured them that Congress would look upon their youth “as their own children.” He then said,

You do well to wish to learn our arts and our ways of life and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ. These will make you a greater and happier people than you are. Congress will do everything they can to assist you in this wise intention (Hyatt, 1726: The Year that Defined America, 172).

Washington and Slavery

But what about the fact that Washington was a slave-owner? Can one be a slave owner and a Christian at the same time? We must remember that Washington did not invent slavery. He was born into slave-owning family and inherited a large plantation with a number of slaves at the death of his parents. At that time in world history, slavery was accepted and practiced throughout the world.

It would be similar to a person today being born into a family and culture where abortion (killing babies in the womb) and same-sex marriage (violating God's created order) are considered the norm. They grow up thinking it is a normal part of life until they are confronted with Gospel truth, and this is what happened to Washington. He was confronted with Gospel truth.

As documented in my book, 1726, there was a powerful anti-slavery movement that emerged out of the Great Awakening. This 18th century abolition movement impacted virtually every founder, including Washington. Dr. Thomas Sowell has written of this, saying,

Among those who turned against slavery in the 18th century were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry and other American leaders. You could research all of 18th century Africa or Asia or the Middle East without finding any comparable rejection of slavery there (Hyatt, 1726: The Year that DefinedAmerica, 90).

Confronted with the inconsistency of a Christian profession and owning slaves, Washington set in motion a compassionate program to rid Mt. Vernon of slavery. Those slaves who wanted to leave were free to do so. Those who chose to remain were paid wages, and he began a program to educate and prepare the children of slaves for freedom. He declared,

Not only do I pray for it, on the score of human dignity, but I clearly foresee that nothing but the rooting out of slavery can perpetuate the existence of our union by consolidating it in a common bond of principle (Hyatt, 1726: The Year that Defined America, 103).

It has been said that the three most difficult words to say in the English language are, “I was wrong.” Washington admitted that he was wrong about slavery and he backed it up with his actions.

Elected Unanimously as America’s First President

After leading the American forces to victory over the mighty British army, Washington’s desire was to retire to Mt. Vernon. However, the other founders assured him that he was the only one with the universal respect of the nation and ability to lead them at this crucial time. He, therefore, reluctantly conceded and was elected unanimously, not once, but twice without a single dissenting vote.

Washington lived in an imperfect world and like every person born into this world, he was a flawed individual. However, he was aware of his own sinful nature, which is why he prayed the prayer recorded above, “Wash away my sins in the immaculate blood of the Lamb” (Hyatt, 1726: The Year that Defined America, 132).

Washington’s strong Christian faith, his integrity, his willingness to acknowledge when he was wrong, and his willingness to sacrifice personal comfort for the sake of the new nation endeared him to the hearts of the founding generation, which said of him,

 First in war; first in peace; and first in the hearts of his countrymen.

There is no question that George Washington was a true Christian.

This article is derived from Dr. Eddie Hyatt’s book, 1726: The Year that Defined America, available from Amazon and his website at www.eddiehyatt.com. He is also the founder of the “1726 Project” whose purpose is to educate America about the nations birth out of a great, spiritual awakening.



Winston Churchill once said, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. This is true of the church and especially so concerning prophetic ministry. The following account of a 16th century prophetic movment is filled with sobering lessons for today's church.

The information in this chapter is drawn from a document written around 1560 by Obe Philips, a leader in the 16th century Anabaptist movement that sought the restoration of New Testament Christianity. Prophecies, dreams, and visions flourished in this movement. Philips was commissioned as an “apostle” in this movement and he commissioned others to this “office.”

The document, entitled “Confessions,” describes events in Europe in the 1530s. From this document I have delineated 5 warning signs from their experience that can help us avoid the tragic mistakes that produced such great suffering and distress for them. 

This article is also Chapter 7 in my latest book, Prophets and Prophecy.

Warning Sign #1
When Prophecy is Used to Enhance the Status of a Movement and its Leaders

1517-1537 was a very exciting time for many Christians in Europe. A great spiritual reformation was under way and many believed that God was restoring the church to its original purity and power. Many believed that out of this restoration would come a great revival and harvest that would usher in the coming of the Lord and the end of the age.

In the midst of this end-time, revival atmosphere, individuals began to arise proclaiming themselves to be special end-time apostles and prophets endowed by God with miraculous power to usher in His kingdom upon the earth.

One of the most prominent of these “apostles” was Melchoir Hoffman, a powerful preacher and teacher who gained a large following. His status was further enhanced when a prophetess saw in a vision a large white swan, larger and more beautiful than all the others, swimming in a beautiful river. She claimed it was revealed to her that the swan was Hoffman and that he represented the fulfillment of God’s promise in Mal. 4:5 to send Elijah before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.

Biblical Insight: Satan plays on human ego and pride. God calls us to humble ourselves before Him and promises that He will then raise us up. Demons, on the other hand, tell us how great, wonderful, and significant we are in ourselves. The “Elijah” prophecy given to Hoffman is one that Satan has used again and again to bring good men down because of pride. We must remember that the Holy Spirit has not come to exalt a preacher, a church, or organization. Jesus said in John 16:13 that when the Holy Spirit had come, He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is mine and declare it to you.

Warning Sign #2
When Prophecy Becomes the Primary Means for Determining the Will of God

Another individual prophesied that Hoffman would be imprisoned for six months in the city of Strasbourg and, after that, his ministry would spread over the whole world. Based on the prophecy, Hoffman moved to Strasbourg where he began to preach and teach throughout that city.

The first part of the prophecy was fulfilled when the Strasbourg authorities arrested Hoffman and had him imprisoned. Philips says that he entered the prison “willingly, cheerfully, and well comforted,” convinced that the latter part of the prophecy would now soon come to pass.

While in prison, Hoffman wrote many letters, which Philips says came every day describing “how his actions, his visions and revelations affected him.” One individual prophesied that at the end of his six-month imprisonment, Hoffman would depart Strasbourg with 144,000 true apostles endowed with such miraculous power that no one would be able to resist them. Elated with such prophetic predictions, Hoffman vowed that he would take no food other than bread and water until the time of his deliverance.

Six months passed, however, and he was not released. More time elapsed and he found it necessary to break his fast. Hoffman eventually died in prison, a very disillusioned man. Philips wrote,

Everything that he so boldly professed from the prophets and prophetesses, he, in the end, found it all falsehood and deception, in fact and in truth; and he was so deceived with all their visions, prophecies, commission, dreams, and Elijah role that my heart today feels pity for his on account of this distress of his soul (Hyatt, Prophets and Prophecy71).

Biblical Insight: It is clear from Scripture that personal prophecy is not for giving direction in life. There is not a single example of such in the New Testament. The only example of a personal prophecy giving direction is in Acts 21:4 where certain disciples, by the Spirit, told Paul, who was on his way to Jerusalem, not to go up to Jerusalem. Paul, however, ignored their prophecy and continued on to Jerusalem. Prophecy must confirm what we already know in our heart and Paul had already purposed in the Spirit to go to Jerusalem (Acts 19:21).

Warning Sign #3
When Prophecy is Preoccupied With Images, Numbers, and Symbols

Prophetic dreams and visions flourished in this movement. These dreams and visions predicted many remarkable things related to the establishing of God’s kingdom and the destruction of the wicked. Much of this information was given in symbolic form which had to be interpreted by those who were “spiritual.” Philips says,

One came dragging a wagon without wheels, another wagon had three wheels, one wagon had no shaft, some no horses, some no recognizable driver, some had but one leg, some were lepers and beggars, some wore a tunic or a cloak with a lappet of fur. All this they could interpret for the brethren in a spiritual sense (Hyatt, Prophets and Prophecy71-72).

These prophecies, dreams, and visions predicted remarkable successes for the people of God, including a super-empowerment of the Spirit by which they would be enabled to overcome the wicked and establish the kingdom of God in the earth. In his very moving account of these matters, Philips says,

Now when these teachings and consolation with all the fantasies, dreams, revelations and visions daily occurred among the brethren, there was no little joy and expectation among us, hoping all would be true and fulfilled, for we were all unsuspecting, innocent, simple, without guile or cunning, and were not aware of any false visions, prophets, and revelations (Hyatt, Prophets and Prophecy72).

Biblical Insight: In the New Testament, God communicates very clearly and precisely to His people. When He spoke to Ananias in a vision about going and praying for Paul, God gave precise instructions (Acts 9:10-12). He told Ananias the name of the man (Paul) for whom he was to pray, the name of the man (Simon) in whose house Paul was staying, and the precise street address. When God does speak in a symbol or image, it is for the purpose of communicating a more clear and vivid message. It is never done as a riddle that must be searched out and solved. God wants to communicate clearly with His children.

Warning Sign #4
When Those Prophesying Are Not Open to Testing or Correction

During this time, two new apostles arrived in Philips’ home town of Leeuwarden. They declared that they had been commissioned to the apostolic office with such signs, miracles, and workings of the Spirit that words failed them to describe it. They also declared, “In a short time God would rid the earth of all shedders of blood and all tyrants and the godless.”

Philips says that they frightened the people so that no one dared speak against them for fear they would be speaking against the commission and ordination of God. “For we were all guileless children and had no idea that our own brethren would betray us.”

Biblical Insight: False prophets are unteachable and unwilling for their prophecies to be evaluated and tested, as Scripture commands. Virtually every time the New Testament speaks of prophecy, they also speak of evaluating and testing the prophecy, which is the responsibility of every believer. I Thessalonians 5:19-21, for example, says, Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is God. I Corinthians 14:29 says, Let two or three prophets speak and let the others judge. And in this same vein of thought, I John 4:1 says, Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 

Warning Sign #5
When Prophecy Becomes a Replacement 
For the Scriptures and Common Sense

The tragic end of this prophetic movement came when, based on dreams, visions, prophecies, and supposed angelic visitations, a number of these visionaries claimed that God had designated the city of Munster as the New Jerusalem and from there the kingdom of God would spread through all the earth. Philips says, “Some had spoken with God, others with angels until they got a new trek under way to Munster.” Based on the prophecies and supposed visions, they went to Munster and took the city by force from the Catholics who controlled it and renamed it New Jerusalem.

The Catholics, however, quickly regrouped and regained control of the city. They wasted no time in inflicting a terrible slaughter on those apostles, prophets, and their followers who believed they were setting up the kingdom of God on the earth.

This whole fiasco resulted in widespread persecution of all Anabaptists who were hunted down, imprisoned, hanged, burned, and drowned. Philips later lamented his role in this prophetic movement. He wrote,

It is this which is utter grief to my heart and which I will lament before my God as long as I live, before all my companions, as often as I think of them. At the time that I took leave of those brethren, I had warned Menno and Dietrich and declared my [apostolic] commission unlawful and that I was therein deceived. I thank the gracious and merciful God who opened my eyes, humbled my soul, transformed my heart, captured my spirit, and who gave me to know my sins. And when I still think of the resigned suffering which occurred among the brethren, my soul is troubled and terrified before it (Hyatt, Prophets and Prophecy, 74-75).

Biblical Insight: In Psalm 119:105 David said, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness to doubt His identity, He responded to each temptation with, It is written, and then quoted the appropriate passage of Scripture. John Wesley, who saw many unusual spiritual manifestations as the leader of the 18th century Methodist revival, said, “Try all things by the written word, and let all bow down before it.”


This 16th century prophetic movement highlights the need to “test the spirits” and to “judge” prophetic utterances according to the Scriptures. For the most part, these were sincere, seeking people who suffered much pain, grief, and even death because they neglected this Biblical admonition. May we learn from their example and not repeat their mistakes.

This article is derived from Dr. Eddie Hyatt's latest book, Prophets and Prophecy, available from Amazon in both paperback and kindle. Check out his website at www.eddiehyatt.com.



I voted for Donald Trump so don't accuse me of being anti-Trump. My concern is that so many peoiple put unquestioning faith in the words of certain prophets who prophesied a Trump win and 4 more years in the White House. Some of these prophets, to their credit, have since publicly admitted they were wrong. In this article I want to discuss "why" so many got it wrong.

Is it possible that pride played a prominent role in the failed Trump prophecies? I believe it is not only possible but probable, for as Proverbs 16:18 says, Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.

I do not want to paint with a broad brush, for I did not hear every prophecy that was issued concerning Donald Trump’s 2020 win and four more years in the White House. I did, however, listen to a number of the prophecies and I must confess that the prophets I heard came across as overly self-confident and tinged with ego and pride.

And when things were not looking good for their predictions after election night, many of the prophets and their supporters doubled down. We were exhorted to “believe the prophets” and were told it was our responsibility to “align with what the prophets have said.”

Some went even further. Dr. Michael Brown pointed out that some prophets issued prophetic threats to those who questioned their words, telling them they had to "believe the prophets or else" (tinyurl.com/59p84rut). 

Interestingly, these prophets did not exhort us to pray and listen to the Holy Spirit. Neither did they suggest we consult our pastors. It was all centered in them and their prophetic words. Such insistence on unquestioning adherence to the revelations of a small group of prophets is dangerous, unbiblical, and smacks of egotistical pride. Such pride opens the door to deception.

The Stronghold of Deception is Pride

How pride can lead sincere people astray was made very real to me a number of years ago when I was the guest speaker at a prophetic/revival church in Tulsa, OK. The worship service that Sunday morning was very festive with people jumping, running, shouting, and waving banners and swords.

As I stood at my seat on the front row quietly worshipping the Lord, the phrase, “the stronghold of deception is pride,” suddenly flowed effortlessly through my mind. I immediately knew that I was to address the fact that during times of revival people and churches often get an inflated idea of their own importance because of God’s blessing on their lives. They surmise, “We must be special; look how God is blessing us.” The pride then becomes an opening for demonic deception.

In my message, I shared stories of how this had happened to men who had been powerfully used of God. I explained how they became enamored by their own success and became vulnerable to deception because of an inflated idea of their own importance. I shared how God resists the proud but gives grace the humble (I Peter 5:5b).

By the time I finished my message, a solemn quietness had settled over the congregation. After the benediction, the people departed quietly and when they spoke, they did so in quiet tones or a whisper. It was such a contrast to the festive atmosphere before I delivered the message.

There was such a contrast that I was concerned. I shared with the pastor that I hoped I had not squelched the enthusiasm of his congregation. He replied, "Oh no, you were right on target." "In fact," he said, "I may be accused of bringing you in as a hired gun today."

This 30-year veteran in the ministry then shared how he had had people who had been saved less than a year challenging his leadership. Because they were being powerfully touched by God in the revival and experiencing prophecy and other gifts of the Spirit, they had gotten an inflated idea of their importance. The pride had opened the door to deception.

Why Would God Allow Donald Trump to Lose?

I voted for Donald Trump because his policies supporting life and individual and religious liberty were compatible with my own Christian values and the values of America’s founders. I love America and have written books, such as 1726, arguing that America can see another Great Awakening that will impact our culture and change the trajectory of our nation.

However, America is not the center of God’s love and concern. The Church is the object of God’s love, and the purity of the church in America is of more concern to Him than the political success of the nation. It is possible, therefore, that God saw so much ego and pride in the American church that He deemed it unwise to give her four more years of favor and increased political status in a second Trump administration.

America’s founders believed that only a moral, humble, and virtuous people could be entrusted with freedom and political power. During the War for Independence, the Continental Congress, again and again, called the populace to both "humilation" and prayer. Two weeks before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams wrote to his cousin, Zabdiel, a minister of the gospel, and said,

Statesmen, my dear Sir, may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free Constitution is pure Virtue (Hyatt, 1726: The Year that Defined America, 164).

Along with faith, the virtue that is most often associated with answered prayer and God’s blessing is humility. For example, that wonderful promise of a national healing in II Chronicles 7:14 begins with the condition, If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves . . .. And after declaring that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble, Peter exhorted his readers, Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time (I Peter 5:5-6).

The Way Forward from Here

This is no time, therefore, for prophetic posturing. This is no time for thumping our spiritual chest. It is a time to fall on our faces before God and cry out to Him to have mercy on us and on this nation.

It is a time to cast our crowns, titles, and proud achievements before His throne and acknowledge that we are nothing apart from His mercy and grace. It is a time to remember Isaiah 66:2 where God reminded His people,

These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite [broken] in spirit, and who tremble at my word (NIV).

It is not too late for America. If we will take seriously His call to humility and prayer, we could yet see a turn-around that will astound us all—a turn-around initiated, not from Washington D.C., but from heaven.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

This article is derived from Dr. Eddie Hyatt's latest book, Prophets and Prophecy, available from Amazon in both paperback and kindle. Check out his website at   www.eddiehyatt.com. W