A Maryland judge agreed with the atheists,
saying in her ruling that the presence of the cross, maintained by tax
money, “breaches the ‘wall of separation between Church and State.’” The suit has worked its way through the lower courts and is now headed for the Supreme Court.
The Fake “Wall of Separation”
The phrase “wall of separation between
church and state,” to which Judge Stephanie Thacker and others have alluded, is not found in
the Constitution. The First Amendment merely says, “Congress shall make no law concerning
the establishment of religion or hindering the free exercise thereof.”
By establishing the First Amendment,
the Founders were merely saying that America would never have an “official” state-run church. Indeed, it was from such oppressive state churches that they,
their parents, and grandparents had fled. They came to America to find the freedom
to live out their faith without government interference.
The phrase “wall of separation” comes not from the Constitution, but from a letter written by President Thomas
Jefferson to a Baptist group in Danbury, CN. The letter was written to assure them
that the First Amendment provided a “wall of separation” that guaranteed their
protection from government interference such as they had known in the Old World
and in Colonial Virginia.
Jefferson’s “wall of separation” was thus
unilateral, in place to keep the government from interfering in matters of
faith. Jefferson’s “wall of separation” did not hinder the government from supporting Christian causes, which is why he took money from the federal treasury to pay
for missionaries to work among the Kaskasia Indian tribe and to build them a
building in which to worship. Jefferson was also free to close all presidential
documents with the words, “In the Year of Our Lord Christ.”
The modern "wall of sepration" that would remove crosses from public land is a fake wall, unknown to the foundding generation. That the First Amendment had nothing
to do with removing Christian influence from government is highlighted by the
fact that the day after ratifying the First Amendment, those same Founders
proclaimed a day of prayer and thanksgiving throughout the land.
Not only that, but Congress continued
to be opened with prayer and Bible reading and prayer continued to be a daily
part of the normal school day in America. Presidents continued to take the oath
of office with their hand on a Bible and they continued to issue proclamations
for special days of prayer and thanksgiving.
America’s founding generation would be up in arms at the thought of the government banning a cross memorializing veteran soldiers. They would be astonished to see how the First Amendment is being distorted by modern secularists and manipulated into a weapon against religious liberty, the very thing it was meant to protect.
Reason for the First Amendment
Yes, it is obvious to anyone who knows American history
that the First Amendment was not put in place to stifle Christianity or to be
indifferent towards it. The words and actions of the Founders make this clear. For
example, writing nearly four decades after the American Revolution, John Adams
The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence
were . . . the general principles of Christianity. Now I will avow that I then
believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as
eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God (Hyatt, Pilgrims and Patriots, 163-64).
was also made clear by Joseph
Story (1779-1845) who served as a Supreme
Court justice for thirty-four years from 1811-1845. Commenting on the
First Amendment, he said,
We are not to
attribute this prohibition of a national religious establishment to an
indifference in religion, and especially to Christianity, which none
could hold in more reverence than the framers of the Constitution (Hyatt, Pilgrims and Patriots, 153).
Historical Precedent Says “Leave the
Cross Alone”
If historical precedent holds any sway
with the sitting Supreme Court justices, they should consider the 1892 ruling
of the Court in the case of “Church
of the Holy Trinity vs The United
States.” After reviewing thousands of historical documents, the nation’s
highest Court declared,
laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the
teachings of The Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be
otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our
institutions are emphatically Christian . .
. From the discovery of this continent to the present hour, there is a
single voice making this affirmation . . . we find everywhere a clear
recognition of the same truth that this is a Christian nation (Hyatt, Pilgrims and Patriots, 167).
Those who want to remove the cross have based their case on a new and novel interpretation of the First Amendment that ignores its historical context. Their "wall of separation" is a fake wall, unknown to America's Founders.
Leave the cross alone!
Leave the cross alone!
This article is derived from Dr. Eddie Hyatt's book Pilgrims and Patriots, available from Amazon and his website at www.eddiehyatt.com. Dr. Hyatt has a vision to see America reeducated cocerning her spiritual birth and see the nation experience another Great Awakening. You can read about his vision on his website and blog and his latest book entitled, The Great Prayer Awakening of 1857-58.
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