

We Will be Governed Either by God from Within or by Tyrants from Without

President Obama said we should be ashamed for not enacting gun control laws in light of the shooting of a 14 year old by a 15 year old at a school in Oregon. The president’s statement, however, is like calling for a band-aid to be put on a cancer. The immorality and violence in our land are not from a lack of laws. They are reflections of deep spiritual problems that include the breakdown of the family, the rejection of moral absolutes by our society, a secularist government that is increasingly hostile to Christianity and a weak, anemic church.

When I was in high school in rural NE Texas, practically every teenager owned a gun. My grandmother gave me my first gun, a 410 shotgun, when I was about 14 to use for hunting and target practice. The thought of using the guns for anything else--especially shooting someone-- never entered our minds because of the strong family, moral and Spiritual influences in the school and community.

What this country needs is not another law, but an open return to Biblical and moral principles. We must have another great Spiritual awakening. If we do not soon recover a morality and faith that governs us from within, then we will be governed by power-hungry political tyrants from without. 

Everyone who follows current events know that there is an all-out assault on Christianity in this nation. This has taken the form of banning prayer and Bible reading in public schools, removing the Ten Commandments from the walls of schools and court rooms, removing crosses from government lands and removing Nativity scenes from public city squares. In addition, Christian businesses are being ordered to provide services to their employees and the public, even if it violates their conscience and Christian faith. 

These are acts of tyranny by an overreaching, out-of-control government. It is no time for a quiet, timid Christianity. Our third president and author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, said, “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

America’s founders threw off the tyranny of King George and formed a nation with a Constitution designed for a moral and Christian people. Such a people would not need a lot of outward laws to govern their actions, for they would govern themselves from within according to Biblical principles. This is what James Madison, the chief architect of the Constitution, was referring to when he said,

We have staked the whole future of the American civilization, not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future . . . upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments.
This is what our second president, John Adams, was referring to when he said, Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.

When the Founders used the word “religious” they were referring to Christianity. As a nation we are rapidly moving away from our Christian beginnings. In fact, our president stood before a predominately Muslim audience in a foreign land and declared, “America is not a Christian nation.”

Those who think morality and Christian faith have no connection are deceived. I remember listening to a sociologist being interviewed by Charlie Rose and hearing him tell how his studies had revealed that the public display of Christian symbols have a direct bearing on morality. He told of one experiment that revealed that people in a room with a Bible in sight are less likely to lie than if there is no Bible to be seen.

In his farewell address, George Washington exhorted the young nation to remember that, Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. He then went on to say,

And let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion [Christianity]. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that National morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.
Today’s secularist politician sees more laws as the answer for every problem. The Founders would have been more inclined to call the nation to prayer and repentance.

We must have a national Spiritual awakening in our land that will restore a national morality and cultural change of character. For this to happen, pastors and Christian leaders must recover their voice and speak truth in love. Otherwise we will see more laws and more control and oppression coming out of Washington D.C. We will either have revival and be governed by God from within or we will continue our downhill moral slide and be ruled by tyrants from without.

Dr. Eddie L. Hyatt is the founder and host of "Revive America." He is the author of several books on Spiritual awakenings and his latest book, PURSUING POWER: How the Historic Quest for Apostolic Authority & Control Has Divided and Damaged the Church, is available from Amazon and from his website at http://www.eddiehyatt.com/bookstore.html


  1. Brother Hyatt,

    While I agree America is in need of a second great awakening, how does this desire square with scripture where end time prophecy is concerned? We seem to want to have our cake and eat it too.

    Scripture states that in the end of days evil men a seducers will wax worse--not get caught in a revival. As we get closer to the time of His appearing, we will see even more lawlessness and more laws passed to keep up with this flood of antinomianism.

    While I believe we can pray for God's people to wake from their slumber and to start speaking out against the indecent things we see every day in the media, television and such like, I do not believe that we as a nation nor we as Christians can fully recover to the point of where we were even 30 years ago.

    It isn't a matter of giving up as it is a matter of realizing where we are on God's prophetic calendar. Even as God's Spirit moves across our land to save those who will be saved in the last days before He comes, we cannot expect worldly systems of government to tow the line and change to suit the Church.

    If there is to be revival it will be in spite of where our nation is and is headed NOT because America applied the brake on immorality and reverted to a day and time which has long since passed andwhich, I believe, a return to such is no longer a possibility.

  2. I agree with you Garymax. The LORD Jesus has exhorted us numerous times in His word to stay faithful, and stand strong. It seems that it will be so bad that it prompted even Him to ask, "when the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:7-8)

    Yes, Love hopes all things, believes all things, so we should never give up hope for the salvation of those lost, yet I personally feel that we should not be so naive to think we will see some kind of revival in these last days that returns America back to it's 'glory days'.

    God used a few good men to change the world (the first Apostles). He can do it without America, just like He did back then. In fact, this seems to be His preferred pattern, using a few good men to overcome great odds, just as in Gideon's army.

  3. Gary,
    Thanks for your comment and I understand where you are coming from. I hope I can convince you that end-time prophecy precludes another Great Awakening. We need your faith and prayers. Here are 2 reasons I do not believe end-time prophecy precludes another Great Awakening.
    (1) There are Scriptures that indicate that the end times, in addition to being a time of evil and lawlessness, will also be a time of a great universal outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:17) and that it will be a time of widespread evangelization and preaching of the Gospel.
    (2) When I studied church history in depth--especially revival movements in church history--it destroyed my dogmatism about end-time prophecy. This is because virtually every revival movement in history believed they were the final generation. I believe a close examination of Paul's letters will reveal that he expected Christ to return in his lifetime. I believe this is likely the final generation, but I can no longer be dogmatic about it.
    God bless you!

  4. Gary, in the 2nd line I meant to day that "end-time prophecy does NOT preclude another Great Awakening."
